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Maximize your social media reach with these crucial tips

If you want to go viral consistently on social media then you need to understand how the algorithims work. Here is a complete guide with everything you need to know.

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What makes a video go viral?

Forget the quick hacks and niche tips, there are 3 main things that will make your videos get the MOST views and reach virality.

#1. Good content (a video people want to watch)

#2. People watch, like, comment and SHARE your video (because it's "good")

#3. No bot like behavior. Be a normal user that uses the platform, at least at first.

Now let's break each of these down into steps you can take home with you in order to go viral today/ tomorrow/ whenever you want.

Taking control of your reach (by making good content)

Getting people to engage with and share your content is crucial for virality:

  • Hook viewers in the first few seconds. If you cant hook someone then, no one will watch, no one will share, your content is dead on arrival.
  • Create emotional content: Videos that evoke strong emotions (joy, surprise, anger) are more likely to be shared.
  • Respond to comments: This is so people can see you are a human, and so will the algo.
  • Leverage trends: Trending sounds can help get some extra views, but dont worry too much about it, just make good content
  • Make content people connect with, or that makes them feel seen. FEEL. Make good content that makes people FEEL. Something. Anything. Make people feel.

Avoiding Bot-Like Behavior and getting your reach supressed *CRITICAL*

To maintain authenticity and avoid penalties from platforms:

  • DO NOT POST DUPLICATE CONTENT!!! Social media algorithims can tell when the video is the same one another account posted, especially if you dont alter the metadata. Change the file name and reexport the video if you're going to post the same video twice, but still its best to make all content a 1 of 1 to avoid getting your reach surpressed. This is especially true on Instagram and TikTok.
  • Post consistently, but not excessively: 1-4 times a day max, spread out posts by 3+ hours each. If you only post videos and never use the platform then the platform will think you are not a genuine user. Use the platform, especially true when your account is under 1 week old, after this time Instagram doesn't seem to care much but TikTok does.
  • Engage with videos and content you enjoy and are related to your taget audience. especially true for tiktok new accounts as this is how they find your audience, once this is found on an account its very hard to alter. Since they think you are a human, not a robot.
  • Warm up new accounts: This is critcal. If you make a new account and dont follow anyone, or interact with posts on the platform, then your posts will likely not get pushed out. New accounts should not post for the first 48 hours. Scroll on the account and interact like a HUMAN BEING, liking, saving, commenting on content that is related to your target audience. Then after 48 hours is up, start posting, slowly. Maybe start with 1 a day for the first week, ease into it to avoid the algorithims supressing you.


Going viral isn't an exact science, but its also not completely random or blink luck. You can up your odds by not being a bot-like account (dont spam, warm up accounts, be active, be like a real user) AND also by Making good content (that makes people feel something enough to comment, like, share or watch again). Good luck my friend, post to all platforms to expand your odds with Post Bridge :]